The Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., has been closed due to a bomb threat it and approximately 30 other museums across the Pacific Northwest received around 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 5.

Tamástslikt Cultural Institute closed due to bomb threat

MISSION – The Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, 47106 Wildhorse Blvd., has been closed due to a bomb threat it and approximately 30 other museums across the Pacific Northwest received around 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 5. 

The Institute, along with other PNW museums, received the threat via email. 

Sgt. Russell Holt of the Umatilla Tribal Police said the Institute was evacuated and closed around noon. He added the road leading to the facility was also closed and that Wildhorse Resort & Casino security checked the building for explosives.

According to UTP, no explosives or additional threats were found at TCI after an extensive search.

Holt said although it’s more than likely the threat is a hoax, all precautions were being taken in case it wasn’t. He said the Institute would remain closed for the rest of the day.

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