Title VI Coordinator Wynema Thurman, left, and Kendall Rosario show off a tribal nations map that will be displayed in one of the several schools in the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation’s education service area. LISA SNELL | THE CUJ

Title VI more than just Indian Education

LISA SNELLThe CUJ MISSION – Youth Services Manager Kendall Rosario needs you to understand what she does and why it is important.She manages the Title VI Indian Education program for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR).“When I first started, there was a really negative idea of what Title VI was, why we were here,” she said. “Parents…

Public Notice

TRIBAL MEMBERS: This notification formally announces that applications are now being accepted from tribal members who wish to serve on the Commission(s)/Committee(s) listed below. Appointed members will receive a $125.00 stipend per meeting, effective January 1, 2022, once the minutes have been approved and processed on CTUIR paydays.CTUIR is advertising the following positions: 3 Positions for CTUIR Culture Coalition, to…