Niccole Harrison is surprised by the Oregon Department of Education, students and co-workers Sept. 19 with the news of her Regional Teacher of the Year Award. CHRIS AADLAND | THE CUJ

NCS teacher named Regional Teacher of the Year

MISSION – Congratulations to Nixyáawii language arts teacher Niccole Harrison for being named one of Oregon’s 18 Regional Teachers of the Year!

As shared by a student in her nomination, “Ms. Harrison’s classroom has always been a place of comfort for me, and she has made it a welcoming setting where I always feel heard, safe, and seen. She has done an excellent job of making her classroom a place where students want to learn. Her whole room is engaging and full of educational opportunities.” 

Every day in Oregon classrooms, teachers offer their innovation, energy and content mastery in support of students across the state. The Oregon Teacher of the Year Program recognizes and honors teacher excellence, with the state Teacher of the Year serving as the face and voice of exemplary educators across Oregon. Candidates for Oregon Teacher of the Year are exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled licensed public school educators in grades pre-K-12.

Regional Teachers of the Year are nominated by students, colleagues, administrators, friends or family members. Regional winners were identified through a local nomination, application and selection process facilitated by the 19 Education Service Districts around the state. Applicants submitted testimonials and letters of support and were assessed by a diverse panel of regional representatives on the attributes of leadership, instructional expertise, commitment to equity, community involvement, understanding of educational issues, vision and professional development. 

Each Regional Teacher of the Year wins a $1,000 cash prize and is in the running for Oregon’s 2024-25 Oregon Teacher of the Year – to be announced in October.

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