Well No. 6 construction project starting in February

The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) is pleased to announce that our Mission community Well No. 6 construction project on South Market Road will be starting construction in February. This project was designed and managed by Anderson Perry & Associates and will provide a new water supply to the Mission community while increasing water system reliability. It will include a new well structure and water storage reservoir (tank). The selected contractor, Tapani, Inc., will begin mobilizing equipment to the site and preparing project staging areas on February 8, 2021. New water pipe installation will be constructed on the west side of South Market Road from Tokti Road to approximately 0.5 mile south of Lloyd Road/ This activity will begin on February 15 and continue through mid-May. Construction of the new Well No. 6 pump station and water storage reservoir will begin around February 22 and continue through mid-July. The project is anticipated to be completed in early September. During construction of the new water main on the west side of South Market Road, both travel lanes on South Market Road will generally remain open. Traffic may be restricted for a few days to one travel lane (with flaggers present) where the water main crosses Lloyd Road and South Patawa Creek. Those traveling on South Market Road should use caution and slow down while driving in the construction zone. Some residents along the west side of South Market Road may experience temporary delays in accessing your property, but access will be restored daily whenever possible. The Contractor will be providing advance notice of such impact and will work to minimize impacts to local residents. The CTUIR public works department appreciates the support of the U.S. Indian Health Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Anderson Perry & Associates, Inc., and our community who make this project possible.

If you have any questions, please contact:

CTUIR Public Works at 541-429-7508 or
Project Superintendent Bill Ledbetter at 541-786-5643

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