Public Notice June 4, 2024

TRIBAL MEMBERS:  This notification formally announces that applications are now being accepted from tribal members who wish to serve on the Commission(s)/Committee(s) listed below. Appointed members will receive a $125.00 stipend per meeting, effective January 1, 2022, once the minutes have been approved and processed on CTUIR paydays.      Will advertise for the following vacancies: 3 Positions for CTUIR…

General welfare needs is how the CTUIR now classifies its allocations to tribal members. The CTUIR is one of the few tribes so far that have made tax code changes to how it shares gaming revenue with tribal citizens. CUJ | STOCK PHOTO

Answers to FAQ regarding updated revenue payments

By CHRIS AADLAND, Reporter MISSION – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) recently received confirmation from the federal government that it could implement the new gaming revenue sharing plan for tribal members that leaders approved last November. With that, the CTUIR made its second quarterly payments to enrolled members on May 20 using the new Gaming Revenue…

Megan Red Shirt-Shaw speaks at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, on Jan. 17, 2023. Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw and her husband, John Little, have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted by the South Dakota Board of Regents in December. RYAN PAGELOW | DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY PHOTO

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

By MARGERY A. BECK, Associated Press A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes. Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red…

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation member Weptas Brockie, who serves as the CTUIR Senior Youth Council chairman, speaks during the Salmon Keepers event on May 22 at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino in Mission. The 16-year-old said restoring salmon to healthy and sustainable runs should be important to Native and non-Native people because they are a keystone species. Also shown are CTUIR Department of Children and Family Service Director Julie Taylor and CTUIR Board of Trustees Member at Large Corinne Sams. TRAVIS SNELL | CTUIR PHOTO

CTUIR, CRITFC host first-ever Salmon Keepers event

MISSION – In collaboration with the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) on Wednesday, May 22 hosted the first-ever Salmon Keepers dinner at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino.  Corinne Sams, CTUIR Board of Trustees Member at Large and CRITFC chair, said the event highlighted the work CRITFC and its member tribes…

Committee/Commission Members List

Committee/Commission Member’s List May 2, 2024 CCWIC CTUIR Community Wellness Improvement Collaborative 2 YEAR TERM (1 BOT Member) POSITION NAME DATE SWORN IN TERM ENDS MTG DAYS Chairperson Marcus Luke Yellowhawk   3rd Tuesday Yellowhawk 3-4 PM Member Housing/DCFS/Safety Yellowhawk Behavioral Health Directors   Member Steven Hart    BOT Member Dec. 01, 2025 Member Wenona Scott GC   Member Glavis…

Donald Sampson

CTUIR executive director resigns

By CHRIS AADLANDReporter MISSION – Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) leaders will begin searching for a new executive director in the coming weeks after accepting the resignation of Don Sampson on April 29.Board of Trustees (BOT) members voted unanimously to accept the resignation, which takes effect May 10.In his resignation letter, Sampson stated he resigned due to…

Tracy Toulou, the outgoing Director of the Office of Tribal Justice, stands in a hallway lined with flags of tribal nations at the Department of Justice, Thursday, March 14, 2024, in Washington. MARK SCHIEFELBEIN | ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTO

How to tackle crime in Indian Country? Empower tribal justice, ex-Justice Department official says

By LINDSAY WHITEHURST, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A quarter-century ago, the Justice Department had few meaningful relationships with Native American tribes. While the federal government worked with state and local police and courts, tribal justice systems did not have the same level of recognition, said Tracy Toulou, who oversaw the department’s Office of Tribal Justice from 2000 until his…

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation initiated an experimental study in July 2023 by removing the left-hand side of the weir to test the possibility of salmon returning. ODFW PHOTO

CTUIR celebrates return of salmon to McKay Creek

By LISA SNELL, CUJ PENDLETON– The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announced evidence heralding the return of salmon to McKay Creek in their #FishPassageFriday social media post Feb. 22. Recent Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) surveys counted 72 salmon-cleared egg pits, or redds, along the six miles below the McKay Reservoir Dam – the result…

Renewable energy infographic of a hydro power station.

Tribes gain new authority to stop unwanted hydropower projects

By MICHAEL PHILLIS, Associated Press Federal regulators have granted Native American tribes more power to block hydropower projects on their land after a flurry of applications were filed to expand renewable energy in the water-scarce U.S. Southwest. Previously, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission granted developers approval to move ahead with planning even if tribes objected. That practice came to an…