CTUIR Call Center seeks to reach out to Tribal members

MISSION – A Virtual Call Center has been established by the Office of the Executive Director so that each member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) will receive a call during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

The purpose of the calls, according to CTUIR Executive Director Ted Wright, is to contact all Tribal member households and ensure that the Tribal government is doing all that it can to help those in need.

“We continue to provide assistance to Tribal members who have been impacted by the pandemic, especially those who are recently unemployed and need help with housing, groceries, utilities and other basic living expenses,” said Wright.

The Call Center staff have been unable to reach some Tribal members because their phone numbers on record with the Enrollment Department are not current. Updated contact information can be submitted via email, phone or dropped off at the Nixyaawii Governance Center (NGC). Email enrollment@ctuir.org or call and leave your contact information on the voicemail at 541-429-7035.

The Call Center will operate through May and continue into the first week of June until calls have been made to reach as many Tribal members as possible. The calls are brief and survey the needs of Tribal members in the household.

The Board of Trustees continues to coordinate multiple relief efforts with the Incident Command Team to ensure community support and resources are made available.
The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation is made up of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Tribes, formed under the Treaty of 1855 at the Walla Walla Valley, 12 statute 945. In 1949, the Tribes adopted a constitutional form of government to protect, preserve and enhance the treaty rights guaranteed under federal statute.