The 276-foot Lookout Point Dam on the Middle Fork of the Willamette River poses a major obstacle for tiny juvenile salmon as they attempt to migrate downstream.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Photo
The Army Corps of Engineers says its fish collection machines can save salmon in Oregon. Many disagree. By TONY SCHICK Oregon Public Broadcasting To free salmon stuck behind dams in Oregon’s Willamette River Valley, here’s what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has in mind: Build a floating vacuum the size of a football field with enough pumps to suck…
TRIBAL MEMBERS: This notification formally announces that applications are now being accepted from tribal members who wish to serve on the Commission(s)/Committee(s) listed below. Appointed members will receive a $125.00 stipend per meeting, effective January 1, 2022, once the minutes have been approved and processed on CTUIR paydays. Will advertise for the following vacancies on the Public Notice: All…
November 2, 2023 *BOT Chair will serve as ex-officio member to all committees/commissions when needed except Election and Enrollment. CCWIC CTUIR Community Wellness Improvement Collaborative 2 YEAR TERM (1 BOT Member) POSITION NAME DATE SWORN IN TERM ENDS MTG DAYS Chairperson Marcus Luke Yellowhawk 3rd Tuesday Yellowhawk 3-4 PM Member Housing/DCFS/Safety Yellowhawk Behavioral Health Directors Member Lindsey Watchman…
Due to an oversight during production, Shawna Gavin’s campaign ad was omitted from the November CUJ. This is the ad that was to be placed. Apologies to Shawna. Lisa Snell, Editor
Due to an oversight during production, the incorrect ad for Linda Sampson was placed in the November CUJ. This is the correct version of the ad that was to be placed. Apologies to Linda. Lisa Snell, Editor
Due to an oversight during production, the incorrect ad for Sandra Sampson was placed in the November CUJ. This is the correct version of the ad that was to be placed. Apologies to Sandra. Lisa Snell, Editor
October 2023 Family Violence Services would like to convey our gratitude for standing in partnership with us to end domestic violence in our community. Thank you to all who attended the noon time presentation of Protection Orders and their Effects on Children held on October 19th, 2023, great discussion and questions were had! Dear Pendleton Businesses, thank you for displaying…
BMCC would like to thank the following for their support and participation in the Conectate Conference on October 13: Fred Hill, Wus Gone, Charles Wood, Kelsey Burns, Merle Kirk, Kola Thompson, Wynema Thurman, Cecelia Stanger, Logan Quaempts, Nizhonia Toledo, Lindsay Littlesky, Muriel Jones Hoisington, Leila Crane, Diamond Greene, and CTUIR Youth Council: Meadow Morris, Dymond Say, Sunhawk Thomas, Brooklyn Jones,…
At the Elders’ listening session held on October 20th 2023 at Wildhorse, Mr. Richard Sams asked a question about the Board’s recent decision to expand alcohol sales on the Umatilla Reservation…specifically at Arrowhead Truck Plaza.
BY LINDSEY X. WATCHMAN, General Council Chair T’ac leeheype oykalo himiyuume kaa laawtiwama (good day relatives and friends). At the Elders’ listening session held on October 20, 2023, at Wildhorse, Mr. Richard Sam asked a question about the Board’s recent decision to expand alcohol sales on the Umatilla Reservation…specifically at Arrowhead Truck Plaza. Mr. Sam stated he was unaware of…