Phinney: Retiring after 24 years as CUJ editor

It’s appropriate that I’m writing this ‘swan song’ column on deadline. The CUJ is supposed to be out the door on its way to a press in Caldwell, Idaho, in a couple of hours so I’m penning this thing at the last minute. But I’ve always thrived on deadlines. I like the pressure of deadlines. And by now, after 46…

Paying respect to a Umatilla hero

There’s a sight to be seen that connects my tribe and yours. It’s one headstone among thousands at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Lucas White, an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, was laid to rest there in 2006 at age 28. I’m one of a handful of Colvilles I know to pay respects in-person.…

Coyote Stories: The new face at the CUJ

Way, hast sxľxalt, iswkist Sin-ka-leep. (nselxcin Salish translation) Hello, good day, my Indian name is Coyote. I also go by Cary Rosenbaum, and I am a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. As of early October, I am officially a member of the Confederated Umatilla Journal staff. With that, I will be reporting for the foreseeable future…

Come on America: Listen to COVID-19 experts

It’s summer so the virus must be over, right? Not so fast. Pull that mask back up over your nose. A coronavirus resurgence is wiping out two months of progress sending infections to scary new levels across the southern and western United States. Hospital administrators and health experts are warning that politicians and a cooped-up public are letting a calamity…