EDITORIAL: What’s your opinion?

Noticeably absent this issue are letters to the editor.
Our question to you is: “Where’s your opinion?”
Letters to the editor have been a historic feature of newspapers. In them, you’re allowed to take a stance on an issue, educate readers on happenings, suggest ideas, influence the opinions of the public or even, perhaps, tribal leadership.
We’ve seen the power of the pen, first-hand.
If you want, you can even praise someone for their efforts or say thank you.
This is your Tribal newspaper.
Perhaps we’re not doing enough to encourage you to write. Or you’re not informed enough of our guidelines.
With that said, we’re going to add the following guidelines to our Op-Ed section each month.
• The standard length of a letter to the editor is 300 words.
• Letters are reviewed for libel. Authors will have the opportunity to rewrite
• The context and grammar of a letter will not be changed by our staff. We will correct spelling errors, however.
• Letters that do not meet the requirements will not be published.

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