Tribal member appointed Interim Director for Trial Court

Chief Judge William D. Johnson has appointed Martina Gordon, Criminal Justice Records Specialist, as Interim Umatilla Tribal Court Director effective immediately.
Gordon has been employed with Umatilla Tribal Court since 2017 and is an enrolled member of CTUIR. She previously served as the Food Programs Coordinator and Manager for CAPECO for six years. She currently serves as Vice-Chair for the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center’s Health Commission and Secretary for the Oregon Legal Aid Services Board and Oregon Law Center Board. She is endeavoring to achieve her Bachelors of Applied Science Degree with a major in Business through online classes with Blue Mountain Community College and Eastern Oregon University.
Umatilla Tribal Court will be searching for a new director.
“We appreciate the excellent leadership Kelly Sager provided and we wish her well in her new endeavors,” Johnson said.

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