February 7, 2024 CCWIC CTUIR Community Wellness Improvement Collaborative 2 YEAR TERM (1 BOT Member) POSITION NAME DATE SWORN IN TERM ENDS MTG DAYS Chairperson Marcus Luke Yellowhawk 3rd Tuesday Yellowhawk 3-4 PM Member Housing/DCFS/Safety Yellowhawk Behavioral Health Directors Member Steven Hart BOT Member Dec. 01, 2025 Member Wenona Scott GC Member Glavis Wagner GC …
Category: Online Exclusive
PUBLIC NOTICE February 7, 2024
TRIBAL MEMBERS: This notification formally announces that applications are now being accepted from tribal members who wish to serve on the Commission(s)/Committee(s) listed below. Appointed members will receive a $125.00 stipend per meeting, effective January 1, 2022, once the minutes have been approved and processed on CTUIR paydays. Will advertise for the following vacancies: One Position for CTUIR Culture Coalition,…
Veteran’s Committee – seeking applicants
The outgoing Board of Trustees approved Resolution No.23-10, establishing the Tribal Veteran’s Committee at the November 27, 2023 regular BOT meeting. We are now able to advertise for membership on the committee. The Veterans Committee shall be an advisory committee, governed by the Advisory Committee Code of the Confederated Tribes. The subject matter statement for the Veterans Committee shall be…

Thank you from the Nixyáawii Winter Celebration Committee
The Nixyáawii Winter Celebration Committee would like to thank the following organizations and individuals who helped make the 2023 Winter Celebration a success: Donators/Sponsors: Pendleton Woolen Mills, Pendleton Round Up & Happy Canyon, CTUIR BOT, Wildhorse Casino, Cayuse Holdings, Wildhorse Foundation, Yellowhawk, CTUIR Language Program, St. Andrews Church, Thomas Morning Owl, Sam Spino Veteran Coordinator, Arrowhead Travel Plaza, Jeremy and…

McKay Creek Minthorn family expression of thanks
The McKay Creek Minthorn Family would like to sincerely thank the many families, friends, coworkers, and colleagues that provided comfort, companionship and assistance during the decline and passing of our patriarch atway Les “Kite” Minthorn. To those who were at his side over the last several years through the end of his life words are not nearly enough. There are…

Thank You
On November 25, 2023, my father Tithcowax (David Wolf Sr.), younger sister, Hiyuum latakalapat (Ashleigh Wolf) and I returned names from our family’s history to this homeland. It was a big holiday shopping weekend, so a big thank you to the people who chose to be a part of our family’s naming ceremony. I’ll start with a special thanks to…

Umatilla Indian Reservation’s Youth Councils elect new leadership during annual summit
MISSION, Ore. — The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation’s (CTUIR) Youth Councils concluded their annual summit and elections for the Senior and Junior Youth Leadership last week. During the event, held at Wildhorse Resort & Casino Nov. 21-22, the councils elected Weptas Brockie, junior at Nixyaawii Community School (NCS), as the Senior Youth Council Chair. Joining him in…
Thank You
The Yellowhawk Family Strength Team would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to Nina Watchman, Trinity Bates, Makeisha Vanpelt, Marla Mayfield, Julie Taylor, Thomas Morningowl, Fred Hill, Mersayus Hart, Leah Harris, Pearla Pena, Catherine Mahon, Fabian Spencer, Katrina Burnside, Natasha Herrera, Teagan Herrera, Dallas Dick, NCS Leadership members Nicholas Alexander, Ella Stewart, Anthony Crawford, drummers, dancers, cake donators, and…

CTUIR Housing asks for help finding basketball court vandals
BY CHRIS AADLANDReporter MISSION, Ore. — Tribal housing officials are searching for ways to discourage vandalism to projects meant to increase quality of life after a new basketball court was intentionally damaged just weeks after it was installed. On Oct. 9, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Housing Department staff discovered damage to the recently completed basketball court installation…