Candlelight vigil held on BIA lawn

By Cary Rosenbaum of the CUJ MISSION – A small but powerful candlelight vigil was held Oct. 15 in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Seven community members and CTUIR workers gathered on the BIA lawn to share experiences, prayers and songs, while standing in a half circle. Dana Campbell, the tribe’s child youth advocate for the Family Violence Services…

Discover Program seeks applicants for 2021

MISSION – Applications are being accepted for two more CTUIR employees to take part in the 2021 Pamáwaluukt Empower (Discover) Program, which offers supervisory – and now managerial – level training to Tribal members interested in advancing to management positions. “Pamáwaluukt,” the Discover program title, stands for “Each person raising themselves up.” Applications for 2021 are available on the CTUIR…

Tribal member harvests bighorn carrying deadly respiratory disease

By the CUJ MISSION – Tests on a bighorn sheep ram harvested from the Burnt River herd by a Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) hunter indicate the animal was carrying a deadly disease responsible for the loss of bighorn populations throughout the Western United States. Wildlife biologists from the CTUIR Department of Natural Resources received in late…

Warming station open with COVID-19 restrictions

By Wil Phinney of the CUJ MISSION – As temperatures dip below 36 degrees, homeless people on the Umatilla Indian Reservation will have a place to go again this winter when the Warming Station opens in November under new management. The Cmuytp’ama Warming Station will soon be open from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. for up to seven adults, but…

Coyote Business Park unveils new logo, website

MISSION – Coyote Business Park, owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), has unveiled a redesigned logo and website as part of its rebranding efforts to promote the development opportunities of the business park. “The updated logo and website provide some new energy for Coyote Business Park,” said Bill Tovey, Director of the Department of Economic…